Hi there,

Thanks for taking a minute to read my blog! I hope you will enjoy stopping by and find every minute you spend here refreshing, and worth your time.  I recognize how valuable time is…. how quickly it comes and goes, and with proper planning, how much you can get done in a small amount of time. Which leads me to the title of this blog… I became an image consultant, because I realized in the process of styling people… there was so much more to it then the articles of clothing I was bringing and organizing. I had the unique ability to be a springboard for change in their lives, and what they saw in the mirror.  That if they gave me their TIME, I would in return help them discover their true beauty. To me this is the greatest gift I could ever  give and receive.

You see, just like fashion trends come and go (although they provide a need for my industry)… I am more about the life long change. It’s really not the clothes, it’s the lady or man wearing them.  I realized quickly, the beauty I immediately saw, wasn’t always the reflection they saw in the mirror. Clothing and makeup was the vehicle, but I was really there to uncover who they were, help them display the uniqueness they possessed,and make that process have life long impact. Of course, I help immediately with a style profile and quick change, but mainly to help teach men and  women that dressing is truly just being true to who you are. It’s discovering your strongest qualities, and displaying them in your attire…. so the whole world sees the inner you without ever speaking a word. Sometimes, it’s dressing to become something you don’t exactly carry right now…. for example… confidence.

Did you know that studies show first impressions are what people always believe of you? At an important meeting are you shaking on the inside? Let’s take a minute to think about how much it would help if you knew that your outfit would portray boldness and confidence to every person in that room, before you ever spoke?  That as you step in it… you begin to carry it within yourself! It’s possible, it happens over and over again,  it’s why I am in business:)

I could go on and on about inner beauty, style, fashion, makeup, and fitness!! Finding balance in all of these things is life changing!  But for today, I am going to leave you with what I call my “power shoes” they are what I wear when I need confidence, to feel the best I can be, and basically they change my attitude ! They remind me how much I have to be thankful for! Do you have power shoes? Or, something you wear that makes you feel ready to conquer the world? I want to hear…..







Also, I wanted to give a little outline of what to expect while reading my blog!  Perhaps, you are here for makeup tips… then, you will definitely want to check in here for MAKEUP MONDAYS!!! I am going to share all of my favorite tips, break down the best brushes, test products,  tell you where to find deals on amazing products…. you know it’s pretty much where you want to start on a Monday:)

Tuesdays:  I am going to take a day off… sorry guys, but a girl has to rest:)

Wardrobe Wednesday ( all things wardrobe, tips for organizing, current trends, outfits of the day, uncovering your unique style, maybe even what Terah Elizabeth is wearing:)) you will love it)

Thankful Thursday:  We are going to make a running list of the thing we love about ourselves, our looks, our life… we are going to start seeing how amazing we truly are, we are going to celebrate every part of us( perceived flaws included)and the blessings we have! As a community, we are going to share how we practiced gratitude, do random acts of kindness, and realize what true beauty looks like…. how generosity is truly the most beautiful thing you could ever wear.

AND last, but not least… FITNESS FRIDAYS!!! Check in for motivation, sample workouts, my favorite recipes, tips to control eating, 10 minutes to a leaner you….. I mean the possibilities are endless here!

I hope you join in on this little blog journey with me, I am honored you stopped by!