Hi everyone!!!
I have about 15 minutes to write, then I am headed to a Fast Twitch class! It has changed my body and fitness levels to be the best they have ever been! I encourage you to find a class that you love and join a group where there is accountability, encouragement, and pushes you to be your BEST! I love Pure Barre, for the mindset changes and strengthening of my core ( aka the powerhouse), and Fast Twitch builds muscle, my endurance, and proves me wrong ,every time, on things I thought I would never be able to do! Those are my two go to group fitness classes!!

So here are my tips for sticking to fitness:

  1. Make it a priority, schedule it in your day like you would eating, or dance class for your child. It is a necessity, unless you start treating it that way… it will never become a priority.

2. Join a group fitness class! If money is a concern, try Groupon! I did a Fitbody  Bootcamp for a month for 30.00! That’s less then a dollar a day, we can afford that in order to prevent long term health expenses!

3. Be thankful for your arms, legs, eyes, core, your ENTIRE BODY, and the fact that you have the ability to workout! Instead of criticizing your body, celebrate it! Just 7 days of doing this will radically change your mindset!  Will you commit to this with me? When a negative thought comes, replace it with a celebration!  I do it myself every day! If you will join with me, please comment below!!

Have a FUN and FIT Friday!!! Make a promise to start living in a body you LOVE!

