Hi there, and happy Wednesday!

I often get told that I always look so put together, how do I do it?

So, today… I wanted to share how I do it, which my answer will probably surprise you!

I was asked these questions many years ago.. Terah, WHO are you?  NO answer.. it stopped me in my tracks. Then the next question… WHAT do you want to do with your life? Still no answer… And finally, WHY were you put on this earth? Speechless.

You are probably thinking… OK, Terah is going off track here…. is she having a glass of wine while writing tonight? :))  I just want to update my wardrobe over here….

But truly, these are profound questions, that each of us must answer, and it translates into an approach to dressing that has a lifelong affect on people, not a temporary audit.

Once I found the answer to these questions, so much more than my wardrobe came together! This is why I am always put together…because I was put together piece by piece, so that I can be a light, and give love to people that need it most. I won’t ever question that, it’s why I am here, and it’s where I want my life to go… living a life of helping and loving people,mostly  helping them realize they are actually a masterpiece, and greatly loved with a love that never fails.

I want you to think about how many times you have had someone help you with an outfit, makeup, organization, who knows what….only to return to your old habits or comfort zone. Because, if you don’t know who you are, you will always revert back to what someone told you as a child that you were, and  most times that person is dead wrong.

So, before you buy another piece of clothing… this is my challenge to you… ANSWER these questions, be confident in what those answers are. It not only changes the reflection you see in the mirror, it changes EVERYTHING!

Promise me, you won’t be WHO someone else is, but you will really know WHO you are.

Promise me. you will figure out WHAT you want to do with your life, even if it seems like a dream right now…. dream it, and do it.

Promise me. that you will be rock solid confident in WHY you were put on this earth, because you carry a gift that no one else on the face of this earth carries.

Then you and I can talk:), and we can build a wardrobe that supports you, not defines you.

I will leave you with the words of one of my clients…

Her: Terah, I want people to see my joy, confidence and that I am comfortable in who I am.

Me: Ok, we are going to dress you like that.

Her: We can do that?

Me: Yes!!!!… and thinking in my heart… we must do that. because it’s her gift to this world. They will meet her, and leave with some of the joy, confidence, and comfort she has to give. That’s true beauty, and that’s what this world needs… not a closet full of unused clothes, and people with unused gifts.


Your Terah Elizabeth