I’m just gonna be real …I would rather collect clothes for foster children, then shop for clients. It’s not that I don’t love my clients,  I have the BEST clients:)

Soooooo….Before you hit the floor, and think I have chosen the wrong career path… let me explain:)

I love to discover beauty, true beauty that is hidden under  layers of shame, false labels, lies,fear, distorted views of what the mirror says.  I like to find the spark of beauty, and fan the flame until it burns so brightly everybody can see it!

Little did I know that in doing this clothing drive, I would see flames of beauty everywhere!  I saw it in the beautiful hearts of people that purchased  brand new clothing , so the children would feel special and loved. I saw it in the business owners that contacted me to help. I saw it in the people that have jam packed schedules, yet they stopped to help me. I saw it in the face of the store manager at Mattress Firm, when we had to store the clothes in the storage room, because they had never had that big of a donation.

You see, this drive taught me to think about what I DO have, instead of what I don’t have. I walk in my closet with a different thought pattern then ever before. I have a dozen(maybe 2 dozen ) jacket options, and those children had none. My dozen jackets don’t  bring me joy… they give me temporary happiness. The opportunity to change the life of one of the 400,000 kids in foster care brings JOY. The lesson here my friends, is that it’s better to give then to receive, and sometimes we need to do it to change our perspective. Perhaps we would be better off spreading love, rather then seeking labels.

So, in the spirit of thankfulness, I challenge you to walk into your closet and be thankful for what you see there… maybe it’s not the most updated, or perfectly coordinated… but it’s more than alot of people in this world have. Perhaps, even stop to think about the fact, you may have been shopping with your mom when you bought some of it…. something foster children don’t ever get to experience.

I want you to walk into your closet and imagine what it would feel like for it to be empty, and then I want to hear what you are going to do to change that feeling for someone, somewhere , one day. Maybe not today, this month, or this year… but soon.  I want you to feel the joy of giving clothes instead of buying clothes… it’s life changing!!

I partnered with Mattress Firm, they have a wonderful program, and you can start you own shoe drive, clothing drive, or whatever you choose! There are many places all over Georgia that you can donate to!

With love and gratitude,

Your Terah Elizabeth
