Well,Well, Well….. the topic of the season, and the area that is forever changing. So, how do you find a print that you like, and know it’s not just a piece that you will never wear again?

Here are my rules for prints: ( sorry ladies, no breaking them here:)

  1. For prints that are trending, pick ONE place to add it in… so that means, buying printed shoes, or pants, or a top, or a scarf… not all of those pieces in the current trending print! I suggest when buying prints that are trend based, to keep it at the impulse buy level, which is under 50.00, preferably right around 25-30.00. This is easy to do if you watch for sales, wait 3 weeks for a markdown, or buy the piece that not EVERYONE is wearing. For example: plaid scarves…. everybody is doing it, are you like everybody, or are you unique?:) I like plaid, so I have a plaid vest I wear! It’s me “trending” but in my own lane. Try it, and see if you get complimented on YOUR style:) Again, be your own inspiration!
  2. You can never go wrong with animal prints, particularly leopard print. It’s been around forever, and it’s not going anywhere!  I encourage you to individualize leopard print by picking it a black and white version of it, or a version with colors that fit your wardrobe!  Classic, timeless places to add leopard print are in your handbag, shoes, jackets, or belts. If you are staying in these guidelines with leopard print, then I would suggest investing a little bit more. You will amaze yourself how often you wear it. I have a Juicy Couture leopard print dress that I bought, because for me, that was the staple I wanted to invest in! I LOVE DRESSES, and I wear them ALL the time! I have gotten my money’s worth out of that dress, to say the least!
  3. The safest, most affordable  place to add any type of print is in a scarf. You can learn how to tie it multiple ways which changes your look, and you can truly pick a print that represents who YOU are!  I love vintage scarves, because although I am a total glamour girl.. I am an old soul deep inside, and extremely feminine! I love all things lace, bows,  and pearls. So, I display that part of me in scarves or jewelry. While we are on this topic,  I will be doing a feature on a designer that creates stunning hand painted scarves! What an amazing way to really reflect the beauty only you carry! She does her own creations as well as custom orders, so stay tuned for that collaboration:)

Wardrobes are meant to be simple with a system that takes the guessing out of dressing. It’s the very thing, my clients tell me has helped them the most after working with me! So, I am going to leave you with these tips, and the reminder to embrace simplicity while celebrating all things beautifully you. Don’t hide any of it, wear it boldly!

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