Happy Friday …..It’s me Terah, challenging you to set an intention for next week. You have Saturday and Sunday to arrange your schedule…. so NO excuses!

I love fitness, and work out  6 days a week. It has changed my life, and it changes my mindset. That being said, I still get burned out, bored with classes, my body is tired, I am too busy…. I could go on and on. As a matter of fact, I was in that rut  JUST LAST WEEK, and I KNOW THAT I KNOW I NEED FITNESS IN MY LIFE! 🙂 The thing that always bounces me out of that rut… is the 10 minute challenge! You CAN find 10 minutes in your day to do anything… this week, let’s set an intention to break a sweat. It can be walking, running, going to the gym or a HIIT workout at home! Whatever YOU choose, YOU are in control of it.

Many times we set goals for ourselves that are unattainable, then we fail, go back to the same cycle, and end up  ultimately giving up. So, I am here as your little cheerleader to say.. Get UP, Get GOING…. your mind and body will thank you!

Did you know that in ten minutes you can elevate your mood, gain energy, and clear brain fog?

Did you know that in 10 minutes you can burn 100 extra calories, which can turn into 10 lbs. gone in a year’s time?

I have been holding out on you though….. the real trick is that once you tell yourself you can do 10 minutes… something happens, and it jump starts that little engine that could…. and you may find yourself doing 20, or even 30  minutes…. who knows?

What I do know is that you deserve to live in a body you love, you can take 10 minutes to better your mind, soul, body and spirit!

To help you out, here is a sample HIIT cardio… by yours truly! I do this on the days I “just can’t”:)

1.2 minute jog in place

2. 30 seconds plank/30 seconds mountain climber

3. 30 seconds ski hops ( side to side) 30 seconds jog in place

4. 30 seconds jumping jacks, 30 seconds low squat pulse ( chair position, stay low)

5. 30 seconds jumping jack, 30 seconds stationary lunges

Repeat steps 2-5 one more time in any order, hydrate, and pat yourself on the back!

TE tip: Tony Horton of Beach Body makes a great 10 minutes trainer series! It is awesome!

TE tip 2: PUMP UP THE JAMS 5 minutes before you plan to do your 10 minute circuit! I use Pandora cycling radio, or here is a glimpse into my get up and go music! It’s totally random, and a cool down song because you should ALWAYS stretch after any form of physical activity! It elongates your muscles and prevents injury!

  1. Brick House
  2. Timber( Pitbull)
  3. Candyman (Zedd and Aloe Blacc)
  4. Rehab ( Amy Winehouse)
  5. Pretty Girl ( Ludacris)
  6. Runaway Baby (Bruno Mars)
  7. Livin’ ( The Clark Sisters)
  8. Bootylicious ( Destiny’s Child)
  9. Tell Me ‘Bout it (Joss Stone)
  10. Tonight is the Night ( Le Click)
  11. COOL DOWN SONG: I’ll Be Your Water ( Keb Mo)
  12. My song to you: Let Your Light Shine ( Keb Mo)  Your, Terah Elizabeth xoxoearly-morning-workout-slide