Good Evening!

You are getting a two for one special tonight:) I am combining Thankful Thursday and Fitness Friday in order to go back to a false belief that is underlying in so many beautiful women I get to work with! It was one I had as well, and I am here to share my story, with the hope  of encouraging you, and spreading the light of LOVE into those dark places we don’t want anyone to see!

You see, our beauty is not based on our body, the size of it, the shape of it…. our bodies were created to encompass our true beauty, not define it.  Your arms that you think need some toning were meant to hug the broken, offer strength to the weak, and attached to hands that help those in need. Your tummy, that just won’t flatten, was meant to hold a miracle, not achieve a six pack. You see its the only place on the face of this earth that can grow a little being, it was meant to expand and hold life. Your thighs that  you think jiggle, they are meant to walk next to your love, to walk out the unique purpose of your life, to move you FORWARD, they carry YOU, beautiful YOU.

Can you for a minute, close your eyes, and say thank you for every part of you? The role each part plays in making you an amazing mom, supporting sister, loving wife, a strong and brilliant woman.

OK good, I am so proud of you!

I want you to carry this gratitude every day with you, carry it into the gym, and see if what you see in the mirror doesn’t begin to change. Pick up the wonderful weight of gratitude before picking up those weights at the gym. Carry love for every part of you, and see if real love doesn’t find its way right back to your heart:)

terah website2

I inserted this picture, because it reminds me of where I came from and what is behind me. It reminds me of the strength I have built, over the years of learning, growing, forgiving and  finally being in love with what I was created to be, and the one that created me. It reminds that the once broken, shameful, hating myself, abused,  suffering from an eating disorder Terah is , BEHIND me… she now wears diamonds in the place that pain lived.

It is the reason I started writing, I want to plant seeds of hope, I want to use my hands to help every woman I encounter, know that she is a diamond, a queen loved by the greatest King of all.

It is my hope this letter from me to you, sparks your desire to live your sparkle, no matter the shape, size, or setting:)…. YOU are a perfect diamond.

With Much Love,

Your Terah Elizabeth xoxo