
I’m BACK!!!! And, I am here to talk about accessories for women….. stay tuned for a post for men…. yes men:)

One of the best kept secrets, is how quickly the proper accessories can update your look, add a new dimension to your look, or provide a quick change from casual to dressy…. for those days you go from work to a night on the town!

It’s Sunday night, so I am going to break this down quickly, so you can have your beautiful self ready and accessorized for the week:)

  • Pick ONE prominent metal to accessorize…. this can change seasonally, and you can always mix metals…. but you need a streamline, so you can keep your look simple and interchangeable.  For me, it’s ROSE GOLD!!                                                Accessories3
  • Determine if you are drawn to glam, edgy, color, or classic  pieces. I teach women to just simply look at a magazine or Pinterest, and mark what your eye is drawn to naturally.  The type of accessory you mark the most, is your true style. Those are where you start, and invest the most money in! This is super important because, we take a basic LBD, or Tshirt… and customize it to YOU simply with the right accessories! I have helped so many clients do this, and convinced them to keep the dress they thought they were finished wearing! (saving you money once again….:) For me, I am glam and like to go BIG with my accessories! accessories2
  •  Have your core wardrobe established before getting accessories. What in the world, you say??? Let me explain, dressing is systematic as much as it is creative. We have to know and understand the foundation, before we are really free to express who we are! Your foundation ( core wardrobe) is at least 3-4 looks in every aspect of your life ( work, social, special events, weekend, casual, business casual, cocktail.. just to name a few) If you never go to events that are black tie, then that is not a core part of your wardrobe. The 3-4 looks in each category should be timeless and tailored to you perfectly!
  • Be BOLD, HAVE FUN AND EXPERIMENT WITH ACCESSORIES! This is one area of dressing that you can’t really go wrong with unless you do too much. So, my rule is ONE statement piece ( this can be a necklace, earrings, scarf, spectacles, brooch, shoes, handbag anything) and the rest of your accessories support and complete your look. I always visualize a flower… the flower itself is the stunner, but the stem, leaves, petals and colors make up the overall beauty:) I hope these tips help, and maybe, instantly inspire some new looks for you! Please share your ideas, questions, and feedback! As Always, I am here to help you be your beautiful best!


With Love,

Your Terah Elizabeth xoxo