Happy Wednesday… I don’t know about you all, but my week has been CRAZY, and I am thinking about the holidays coming, and being even busier…….. SO, I figured I would go ahead and give you some tips on squeezing in workouts, eating healthy on the go, and staying on track with your fitness goals!

Working out is proven to reduce stress levels, increase mental clarity, ensure better sleep, and releases endorphins, the body’s own natural anti depressant. I wanted to talk about this first, in order to emphasize how important it is to make physical activity a PRIORITY!!ย  It isn’t just about a dress size, physical appearance or getting abs ๐Ÿ™‚ …. it’s about wellness and taking care of the amazing body we each have been given! You see, increased stress levels. and lack of sleep are both triggers to emotional eating…. which sabotages any fitness goal you set. Now, that we have laid that foundation …. I am going to get into the good stuff!

Here are Terah Elizabeth’s rules for staying FIT year round ๐Ÿ™‚

Always have your gym back packed and ready in the car before you go to bed!ย  I have toiletries, makeup, clothes and shoes that STAY packed in my bag! Whether you get to the gym, or squeeze in a walk on your lunch break…. you will always be prepared!

Buy PACKETS of PROTEIN and a Shaker Cup and KEEP them both in your car AT ALL TIMES! This way you have a meal, orย  a way to reduce blood sugar dips which leads to unhealthy cravings.

STAY HYDRATED! Carry a liter of water with you, and aim for drinking at least 3 a day. I love to infuse my water with various fruits. Pineapple is great for targeting and decreasing belly bloat:)

If you have to eat out with co workers for parties, or end of year celebrations…. champagne has fewer calories then wine, limit yourself to 1 drink, eat 1/2 of the portion being served, if you want dessert… share it with a friend! I ALWAYS eat a Power Crunch bar before I go, so I am less tempted to over indulge!

Listen to UPBEAT music 5 minutes prior to your time to exercise… it will lift your mood, spur activity and keep you from staying in that chair:)

I always have a yoga mat in the car!

Use Barre DVD’s, Pilates, or a Fun Dance DVD and pop it in instead of watching TV or having a glass of wine at the end of the day… on days you couldn’t get out and be active! My favorite ones,ย  I have gotten, are from Pure Barre, Beach Body, and Target( believe it or not:)

GO OUTDOORS and CREATE Your OWN workout from the following ideas:


workout7ย workout4





PHOTO 1: Your Favorite Yoga Pose…. I love Warrior Pose , but you can select any that incorporate upper and lower body movement…. whatever causes warmth to move into your body, and feelings of stress fade.ย  Move from left to right, in and out of movement without coming to standing or rest.

PHOTO 2:ย  Walking Lunges ( forward and backward)

PHOTO 3: Jog, Run, Sprint ( 30 seconds jog, 20 seconds run, 10 seconds sprint) for 5 minutes

PHOTO 4: Upward Dog to Downward Dog SLOWLY, with deep breaths, in agreement with your movement.

This is by no means and exhaustive list…. You can go riding, running with your dogs, playing outside with your children…. just do it for 20 minutes, incorporate your whole body and break a sweat!

I would love to know how you stay fit during busy seasons, and if this post was helpful to you!


Much Love,

Your Terah Elizabeth

p.s. always keep your workout clothes color coordinated, if you feel confident you are more likely to get moving ๐Ÿ™‚ If you would like suggestions on where to shop, at affordable prices…. comment BELOW, and I will do a post on that!