I love Thankful Thursdays, because I can just talk to you from my heart. For me, making gratitude intentional has been life changing! It’s an instant fix for turning your mindset around.

Today, I am most thankful that the past is behind me, it doesn’t control my future, and I never have to look at it again.

This may seem a bit odd, but let me explain:) Today, I was chatting with a dear friend about automatic thoughts, false belief systems, and getting stuck in cycles. What we both discovered is, having a new thought is pretty easy( contrary to popular belief) that we learn new things every day… we can certainly easily learn a new way of thinking. The first step is awareness, the second is action, and the third is acceptance! The acceptance phase is my favorite…. it’s when you have accepted the new( right) belief system and as a result your behavior and desires change, without you even realizing it! You simply won’t settle for the same things you used to, you finally break that cycle, and you step into what is rightfully yours.

This is why I am thankful that my past is behind me. That the hurt and the abuse I endured does not, and cannot define me, unless I give it the power to do so. Gratitude reminds me of my present, all that I have today, and allows me to say thank you for the pain in my journey, because when it intersects with other people’s pain…  HOPE ALWAYS springs forth!

My challenge for you today is, to not let your past take another moment of your present. Take control of your thought life by becoming aware of those thoughts that are there the minute you wake up, driving in your car... are they positive or negative? Are they full of love or self hatred? Are they true or false? Next, take ACTION! Have a new thought…. for every negative thought, replace it with gratitude… for every self hating thought, think about what you love about yourself instead( if you can’t come up with anything.. use what someone has told you they love about you) for every false thought… replace it with the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, a masterpiece, loved, and so important. Speak OUT LOUD what is TRUE every day!

Turn your back on the past, and look towards the light~


Your Terah Elizabeth
