One of the biggest questions I get asked by clients is ….. How do you always look so put together? I used to laugh and say, well you wouldn’t hire me as your image consultant, if I looked a hot mess… it’s my brand.

BUT…. it got me thinking… Terah, that’s not entirely true… you have a system to dressing, a plan for your wardrobe, and you know exactly who you want the world to see, when they meet you. It doesn’t happen by accident, you have a secret to success here, and you need to share it!

So, I decided … I’m going to give this blogging thing one more try, but only if it a source of inspiration and learning for my readers!!!

You see, I am a teacher at heart…. I love finding ways to unlock people’s hidden potential, finding a success formula for every client I get to work with, and teaching them how to implement it… independent of ME! I started Terah Elizabeth to empower my clients, not give them a temporary solution!

I had a disconnect with blogging in the past, because I always wondered… Why do people want to hear what I have to say? How do I make this valuable to my readers, who take time out of their day to read this? Sure, I can and will do giveaways and all kinds of fun stuff…. and be a “style blogger” BUT I want you to learn from reading my blog, gain tools to help you walk in your uniqueness, get solutions to the age old questions … “What do I wear today?” Who am I” “Why can’t I just be ME?”

We will of course be covering fitness, makeup and wellness … because that’s what I do … but under each of these topics …. I want YOU to blossom and grow! This isn’t the place to come to just see my style, my closet, and my fitness tips, BUT….. this is the place where you can come with an open heart, cup of coffee or glass of wine, your closet (whether you think it’s a mess or not), your beautiful face, and strong body… and learn ,along with me, how to live every day with AUTHENTICITY and CONFIDENCE. That’s my promise to you….❤️


SO…… let’s get this party started!

Step 1:

Sit down and think about the colors and prints that catch your eye everywhere you go! You are drawn to them in art, furniture, nature and clothing! They make you feel a sense of awe, empowerment, or ease! You see them and you think ahhhhhh.. this is so me! Write them down!

THOSE COLORS my friend are YOUR primary colors!!! Not the kind we learned in elementary school😂…. but YOURS! They express WHO YOU are! There is something within you, that those colors communicate to the world. They are the FOUNDATION of your style!

When we confuse ourselves, and follow what’s trending … or dare I say, what’s on Pinterest and all over Instagram … you may have a STYLE MOMENT…but you will end up with a closet of unused clothing, and a lot of wasted money! You see, you can’t be someone else, you were never created to be… but you can be YOU, and the world needs your IMPRINT.

I am going to use a piece of clothing in my own closet to show you exactly what I mean…

I bough this skirt in 2015!!!!!! You can check out my personal Instagram to verify 😜 @illuminatinglove or @theterahelizabeth ( business) as we will be posting some throwback pics this week!

This picture was taken LAST WEEK, and I was complimented on this look several times!! I mean, who wears a four year old skirt these days, and rocks it out? I guarantee you two things: I got my money’s worth out of this skirt, and nobody is wearing what I am … I am walking in my uniqueness, and I believe EVERYONE should!

Here is why… coral is a color that I have loved since I can remember… it makes me feel FREE, ADVENTUROUS and just ME! So, no matter where I am or what I am doing… I am alive wearing this skirt! I remember discovering my favorite coffee shop while wearing this skirt, hugging Emily, buying a gift for my sister, and twirling with my niece! You see, when we select pieces true to who we are…we are able to be in the MOMENT and ENJOY it … not worrying about things like … “do I look okay in this?” “Is this appropriate?” “Should I have worn this?”


No, you simply walk in your confidence and enjoy the moments in this beautiful thing called life. That’s what clothing is really for… a vehicle for you to leave your thumbprint on this earth and enjoy every second while doing it!


In future posts, I am going to talk about things like …..the power of accessories, the magic of shoes, rules for getting a minimum of 5 looks per piece of clothing, closet inventories… you know all the good stuff 😝 So, I hope you continue to follow along.


For now… I am going to leave you with a few pics of how I have worn this look multiple ways, over the years, … and a DISCOUNT CODE EXCLUSIVE for my FOLLOWERS 💕



This skirt is from …. she has awesome pieces, and agreed to give YOU all an exclusive code: terahelizabeth for an extra 15% off your purchase