About Terah Elizabeth

Terah is a highly sought after image consultant whose passion in life is discovering the unique beauty in everyone she meets. She creates individualized plans  for each client, with the mission to enable confidence, poise, and charisma to emerge from the inside out!

Her work stems from the belief that fashion is a guide, but style is unique to each and every person she encounters. The privilege of taking this journey with each of her clients, is why she started her business.

AboutMe_TerahElizabeth2Terah is extremely unique because she is a certified makeup artist, stylist, personal trainer, and in addition provides strategies for weight loss and optimal health. Her approach has proven time and time again to create lasting change. She helps each client discover where to start, and celebrates them along the way!

Her extensive experience as a behavior therapist enables her to better understand her client’s needs, motivate them, listen effectively, and establish clear communication.  These practices ensure your time spent with her is extremely thorough and valuable. She believes she is not only building a wardrobe, she is helping the world to see what radiates from the inside, and making that process simple.

Terah has worked with doctors, real estate agents, small business owners, mothers to be, new moms, attorneys, wedding parties,  and is a unique asset to those encountering job or life changes. She also loves special event styling, and creating a signature look for a family that is memorable and usable again in their every day lives.