Accessories: A girl’s best friend

Accessories: A girl’s best friend

I’m BACK!!!! And, I am here to talk about accessories for women….. stay tuned for a post for men…. yes men:) One of the best kept secrets, is how quickly the proper accessories can update your look, add a new dimension to your look, or provide a...
Ready to Party, Holiday Style:)

Ready to Party, Holiday Style:)

I get asked 2 questions ALL the time! Where do you find your holiday dresses? What are you going to wear?…. this question  is usually asked in a frantic tone of voice!! Now,  the answer to these questions keeps me in business:) ….. but I also love to share...
Wardrobe Wednesday: Ready to Wear

Wardrobe Wednesday: Ready to Wear

Hi  there, hope you are having a great evening, perhaps relaxing, having a glass wine…. or waiting patiently for my post :):):) ( a girl can dream right?:) If you have been reading my writings, you have begun to see that I don’t really do things in a...