Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation

There is nothing like the joy of a weekend well spent…. for me, it was time with my niece … one adventure after another, and a day trip to Greenville! On the flip side, there is also the awful feeling of defeat, after a weekend of undoing all your hard...
Stepping into Your Style

Stepping into Your Style

One of the biggest questions I get asked by clients is ….. How do you always look so put together? I used to laugh and say, well you wouldn’t hire me as your image consultant, if I looked a hot mess… it’s my brand. BUT…. it got me...
Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

I love Thankful Thursdays, because I can just talk to you from my heart. For me, making gratitude intentional has been life changing! It’s an instant fix for turning your mindset around. Today, I am most thankful that the past is behind me, it doesn’t...