Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation

There is nothing like the joy of a weekend well spent.... for me, it was time with my niece ... one adventure after another, and a day trip to Greenville! On the flip side, there is also the awful feeling of defeat, after a weekend of undoing all your hard work during...

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Stepping into Your Style

Stepping into Your Style

One of the biggest questions I get asked by clients is ..... How do you always look so put together? I used to laugh and say, well you wouldn't hire me as your image consultant, if I looked a hot mess... it's my brand. BUT.... it got me thinking... Terah, that's not...

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Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday

I love Thankful Thursdays, because I can just talk to you from my heart. For me, making gratitude intentional has been life changing! It's an instant fix for turning your mindset around. Today, I am most thankful that the past is behind me, it doesn't control my...

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Accessories: A girl’s best friend

Accessories: A girl’s best friend

I'm BACK!!!! And, I am here to talk about accessories for women..... stay tuned for a post for men.... yes men:) One of the best kept secrets, is how quickly the proper accessories can update your look, add a new dimension to your look, or provide a quick change from...

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Thankful For Your Body NOT DEFINED by It:)

Thankful For Your Body NOT DEFINED by It:)

Good Evening! You are getting a two for one special tonight:) I am combining Thankful Thursday and Fitness Friday in order to go back to a false belief that is underlying in so many beautiful women I get to work with! It was one I had as well, and I am here to share...

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Ready to Party, Holiday Style:)

Ready to Party, Holiday Style:)

I get asked 2 questions ALL the time! Where do you find your holiday dresses? What are you going to wear?.... this question  is usually asked in a frantic tone of voice!! Now,  the answer to these questions keeps me in business:) ..... but I also love to share my...

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Fitness Friday: The 10 minute challenge!

Fitness Friday: The 10 minute challenge!

Happy Friday .....It's me Terah, challenging you to set an intention for next week. You have Saturday and Sunday to arrange your schedule.... so NO excuses! I love fitness, and work out  6 days a week. It has changed my life, and it changes my mindset. That being...

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Thankful Thursday…. Putting Gratitude Into Action!

Thankful Thursday…. Putting Gratitude Into Action!

Good Evening! This is a short and sweet one! I am, and always will be, an action person. I love words, but actions are what sticks with me. To hear an I love you, and to feel an I love you,are two very different things. The feeling is attached to an action, usually...

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