Wardrobe Wednesday: Ready to Wear

Wardrobe Wednesday: Ready to Wear

Hi  there, hope you are having a great evening, perhaps relaxing, having a glass wine.... or waiting patiently for my post :):):) ( a girl can dream right?:) If you have been reading my writings, you have begun to see that I don't really do things in a conventional...

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Thankfulness Thursday!

Thankfulness Thursday!

Hi there my precious readers... you are probably like what is this? Isn't she an image consultant? :)) What I am about to write about is more important than anything clothes you could buy, or the instant gratification of a new purse and shoes you love. These are not...

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Makeup Monday Must Haves

Makeup Monday Must Haves

Hi there! Thank you for stopping by! Today, I am going to go over what every girl should have, in order to put her best face forward:) Also, these products are the top things I get asked about, because if you don't get the right formulas, the opposite happens......

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Image Consultant…..Why?

Image Consultant…..Why?

Hi there, Thanks for taking a minute to read my blog! I hope you will enjoy stopping by and find every minute you spend here refreshing, and worth your time.  I recognize how valuable time is.... how quickly it comes and goes, and with proper planning, how much you...

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