Hi there my precious readers… you are probably like what is this? Isn’t she an image consultant? :)) What I am about to write about is more important than anything clothes you could buy, or the instant gratification of a new purse and shoes you love. These are not bad things of course, but I am about STYLE and inner beauty.  It’s a lifetime thing, it’s your signature to the world, it’s you celebrating you. It’s worth taking some time to read this and do a little work:)

I have learned the hard way myself, and working with multiple clients,  that learning to appreciate who you are, your unique qualities, your specific beauty, and one of a kind body, is actually the foundation of determining your style! Think about it this way, if you look in the mirror, and you scrutinize everything you see, maybe your abdomen especially… and you begin to wear clothing that covers up or hides it. Is that your style? NOOOOOOOO!!!! Style is a reflection of YOU, not what you want to hide about you. We will never walk confidently, if your main thoughts are ones of all the things you dislike about your body! The mirror was made to reflect beauty, it’s high time we got back to that!

I am just going to share some things, from my heart to yours…. that  I have learned along this journey of styling women, and helping them uncover who they are, and wear that proudly on the outside!
1. What you see as a flaw, 9/10 other people don’t even notice! Time after time I have been SHOCKED at how my clients perceive themselves… because I am looking at them like, honey I hear you, but I am looking in the same mirror, and I am not seeing what you are seeing!

2. CONFIDENCE is the best thing you can wear! I can dress you in head to toe Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Club Monaco, St. John… whatever your style aesthetic is, and if you are not confident …. I have wasted your money and time! You see it’s really not the clothes, its the person wearing it. You wearing the clothes that make you feel confident is your style!

3. Trends are just that… trends. Most women don’t even fit the body type for the trends that are being blasted everywhere! Why? Because we are real women, with lives that take care of others, children, cook dinners, hug babies, take care of family pets, and keep basically everything together:) YOU….. YOU are timeless, unique, a masterpiece…. trends are not YOU, and if you don’t follow them… it doesn’t mean you don’t have STYLE!

4. Dressing is an expression of who you are, or who you would be if you let go of fear and what people think of you! Stop dressing to look like someone else… You are free to be you, let’s start dressing that way too!

TE Challenge: Daily Thankfulness ( we are going to do a challenge together weekly:)

Take the word THANKFUL, and do it like this…









Take Five Minutes  to fill it out,  8 things you are thankful for about your body ( they don’t have to start with the first letter…. ok:) I just want you to really stop and begin to appreciate them… don’t just scribble it down!  Be still and say it out loud to yourself. After a week of this, let me know if your image in the mirror changes.  This is why I am an image consultant… this is more powerful than any clothes I could ever buy you,  it’s why I do what I do.

Thanks for journeying with me,

Terah Elizabeth

p.s. There is nothing that I share with you that I haven’t put into practice myself… it’slife changing… I promise:)