There is nothing like the joy of a weekend well spent…. for me, it was time with my niece … one adventure after another, and a day trip to Greenville!


On the flip side, there is also the awful feeling of defeat, after a weekend of undoing all your hard work during the week.

I struggled with this for many years! I am pretty regimented throughout the week, especially with Emily and her Autism…. but my free spirit, and need to have no restrictions😝 would kick in full force on the weekend! Instead of starting Monday with a sense of hope and excitement…. I would wake up with thoughts of defeat, regret, and set, yet another week, of impossible goals, to over compensate for my perceived failure over the weekend!

So today, it was on my heart, to share a few tips that helped me break that cycle, a few years ago, and to learn there is no failure with food .. it’s just a choice, and how to set ourselves up to make better choices!!

1. Set your workouts for the weekend as part of your weekend plans. Just because it’s the weekend, doesn’t mean your body should stop moving! I try to register for free classes, a new yoga class…I haven’t tried, make my own workout outside, a dance class … the possibilities are endless!

2. Practice mindful eating. Look at your food with gratitude, not everyone gets to enjoy the food we do every day! Taste your food, chew slowly, and be mindful of how your stomach feels! Just because there is still food left, doesn’t mean our stomach needs it! Always order water with your meal with a slice of lemon, it aids in digestion and absorption of the nutrients your food is giving you!

3. Pick ONE meal to treat yourself … it’s not cheating, it’s enjoying your favorite foods! Decide what you really want… and pick one meal to enjoy it!

4. You don’t have to eliminate drinking, you just have to drink smarter!

Here are my easy swaps:

Truly Rose for Rose Bubbles.


2 ( 1/2 glass pours) instead of ONE big glass of wine …. you get to try new wines and it feels like you are having more, so your mind won’t crave more then you need! It’s a clever little trick!

Cranberry Lime 5 calorie juice with vodka for for a cranberry vodka

Skinny margarita for margarita… Simply ask them to reduce the simple syrup or mix ( if they use that) in your drink to 1/2. You won’t miss it!

When ordering a vodka soda …. do not order vodka tonic😜 get it with extra orange slices or a splash of orange juice … instead of lime!

4. Take 10 minutes Saturday morning, to record your accomplishments from the week… even if it is a load of laundry!! We do WAY more in a week then we give ourselves credit for! When we choose to focus on the positive, and practice gratitude … it eliminates those negative emotions, that lead us to stress eating!

5. Give yourself a power statement.

Ex. I can and will make awesome choices, because I deserve to live in a body I love!

Food doesn’t make me happy, that isn’t its purpose …It’s to nourish me, and help me live my best life!

I choose to celebrate my life today and every day! I will cherish the sound of my heart beating, because not everyone has that gift!

Try this on Saturday, well every day ( other then the drinking tips 😂) and let me know how your weekends shift 💜

Much love,

Your Terah Elizabeth